Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today's the day.  Ok. Malaria pills..CHECK...Immodium....CHECK....Mosquito net....CHECK... Sandals... CHECK...

My mom is running around like she always does - at a hundred miles an hour - but today seems like she's trying to distract herself in the tasks a little bit more than usual.  I'm going to miss her. She's been hesitant, worried (like any mother would be), but she's also been more supportive to me than I could EVER ask for about this trip.  Don't bring up the movie Blood Diamond, or talk about deadly snake bites or HIV in front of her though..haha... or she'll get that "I don't know if I can let him go" look on her face.
Dad.  He's the man.  Running around with all my paperwork, making sure I have backups and coaching me on what to say if some official at the airport tries to give me a hard time.  He looks at me, and I can see myself.  Now I would NEVER have admitted that two, three years ago, but as I'm STARTING (hah) to grow up the more and more I aspire to be like him...Not in all ways...but in a lot of them.  He's a good, caring, selfless, loving dude that just wants the best for me..and I want the best for him too

My family has been nothing but supportive, and I really am going to miss all of them a lot...ALL of them..Mom. DAD. Angelle. Jason. Monique. Daniel..they've always been there for me and this adventure has been no exception. I love ya'll!

People keep asking me, "Are you nervous?" "Are you worried?" ... and honestly.. I am nothing but PUMPED about it..well..except for the 28 hours of traveling, but besides that I am PSYCHED about this opportunity.  I cannot wait to get there. 

I want to send a special THANK YOU to every one who has been supporting.  Your PRAYERS and contributions mean the absolute world to me, and I know that it will do wonders for the people I'm about to meet..So THANK YOU, From the bottom of my heart.

The next time I post something I will be there.  That just puts a Smile on my face..Talk to you soon!

"Thus says the Lord:
Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
nor the strong man glory in his strength, 
nor the rich man glory in his riches;
But rather, let him who glories, glory in this,
that in his prudence he knows me,
Knows that I, the LORD, bring about kindness,
justice and uprightness on the earth;
For with such am I pleased, says the LORD."
Jeremiah 9: 22-23

Peace and LOVE


  1. God bless you, Matt! We offered up 5:30pm Mass for you yesterday and today at Cathedral. We will continue to pray for you that the Lord will be your strength and that you will rely on Him for everything and He works in you and through you to bring Christ to the world. Many blessings!


    Steve & Katie

  2. Hi Matt,

    By now you have safely arrived in Liberia. I truly and sincerely was moved by your initial blogs. I love the honesty and the somewhat unfounded humility. Your work is courageous.

    I think the title of your blog is more akin to the Great Journey than the Great Adventure and I look forward to following the path and where it might take you.

    I'm certain you can't tell that it is me in my profile picture but it is. I thought it represented the different journeys we all take as One Body. I suspect that you'll be dressed a bit differently and the scenery will be different too. I am envious of your journey. You've made the right choice for you and that is the beginning of a great life.

    The cul-de-sac is already not the same without you. I've been thinking of you and expressing my various prayers for you each time I drive in.

    Jackson is brilliantly petrified of his fence so he will be safe. We'll keep an eye on the rest of the gang so you just keep an eye on yourself.

    God is always with you and so are our thoughts. We love you.



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